

Korea had a blast commenting on a classmates post  Korean war left a big scar in North Korea without a doubt that country hates the United States very much. I watched a documentary about the Hermit Kingdom all I have to say is wow. North Korea has a very big land army with 1.1 million active duty  7.7million in reserve. For a small country that a lot of people serving, and if you account that the populace there isn't friendly to American an invasion will be expensive. To win in North Korea we have to change the people's mind there about their dear leader.  Like your mother said it's probably a setup, Kim controls his populace using fear opening the border and letting both countries roam free isn't ideal for him. People in North Korea would see his lies right away once they enter a South Korean city, he would be overthrown.           His talk about de-nuking is probably true though. If you think about it, he doesn't need them anymore. Making something isn


Depression Ashley Welch "How depressed is your state? " is an article that explains what percentage of your state is depressed. New England territory seems to be a high in the percentage as well as some Midwest states and Utah seems to be very high.  The article explains one likely cause is due to teenage not getting enough sleep because of late night with their phones. This number is increasing which should be alarming to our government. From 2013 to 2016 in this article say it has jumped to 33percent.   suicide is a major issue that isn't being covered much by our news outlet. It's very disappointing that many people on their phone don't know very much about suicide here in the U.S. There are about 123 people who end there lives every day in the United States and about 44,965 per year. 51% of people who end their lives are by firearm. In 2016 14,925 were killed by homicide and 22,938 by suicide in terms of death more people die from suicide than from som

Comment on a friend

Friends Blog Hello sorry had to do this :P Abortion used to not bother me when I was younger. I believed that women should have a choice in the matter due to the fact that it is their body. Later though I got to meet a lot of interesting people around our country, and learned more about the subject. What made me change and abortion started to bother me morally is when I visited the human museum. When it came to Austin and I saw one exhibit that showed the stages of a baby it showed them from the start and broken down to weeks. It was a good experience and I learned a lot. In the end, I ask our guide sort of where they got the baby from and most of it came from abortion. That really made me blink, now I still believe that abortion is still necessary should be done for those who need it. I've traveled around and met a lot of people from all sorts of culture, and I guess what really bothers me from abortion is the fact your taking a person potential of life. I have a friend
US National - Personal They're many things that worry me about our national government, and we all do have a different opinion about what is a concern and what is not.         The primary concern I have as of right now is how the president treats very sensitive materials, his son doesn't even have high-level security clearance so he can't see most of his documents.  lately, many of his trusted advisors in all scope of things are either quit or have been fired not only that, many of them are getting questioned about Russian meddling.         The strong pull from our leader saying he wasn't involved in this farce to the point where he wants calls this investigation to be over with, his lawyer also quit as well as the fact that many top lawyers don't want to represent President Trump concerns me dearly, and to the protection of this country as well as interests are concerned I feel it is getting attacked.           I know that the Republican party also doesn't
Is it a Trap or is it not - Yuki Tatsumi , It only takes one Trump tweet to fall into North Korea's Trap Huffington post "Ms. Yuki Tatsumi is the Co-Director of the East Asia Program at the Stimson Center. She was a Research Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Special Assistant for Political Affairs at the Embassy of Japan in Washington." -Huffington Post under her article           Her article like the title suggest that the arrange meeting between the North Korea and our President is  a trap. Her intended audiences is the general public, she explains the possible outcome very well and, reminds us that North Korea in the past have not kept agreements that they promise they would do. Though I in turn have to agree, her arguments is sound, why is the real question. “The offer Kim made to South Korean presidential envoy Chung Yi-Eung is almost too good to be true.” like her article says it is too good to be true, the

Guns in the USA

People, Not Politicians, Can Solve America's Gun Problem T his article is written by Eric Schnurer the original news article came from U.S News and World Report       The main topic of Eric Schnurer is the fact that the U.S gun issue cannot be solved alone with promises from the political realm. Lots of changes have to do with our culture, and how we view things, he points out the fact that in politics money talks and get things done, which is true. For our country to start to change our society needs to first change its views, by people going out there and informing us about the issue, and methods to fix that issue. In his article, his audience is clearly the general public though you can tell he's on the left wing because he does target the right a little bit. One thing he said in his article " we don't have a culture of violence in America because of our lax gun laws:  We have lax gun laws because we live in a culture that actively supports gun violence &


Afghanistan : Click this link        It's important not to forget that were are still in a war and that we are still fighting in a foreign country. This war has been the longest war we have been in, its due to the fact that we are fighting a war of ideology. Anyone can die at any moment in time, but ideas they can last for thousands of year.      I consider this an important article because it informs you on what we are doing in our ongoing war. Today we hardly get any news from the front lines which worries me because this is becoming the new forgotten war. People really don't understand what we have accomplished in our war, and really why we are there and why it's taking such a long time to get things done. When reading the article it's important to watch the video as well as reading the story, this is one article on there but I invite you to explore other stories.